My brand stands out, and people instantly get what I do.
I think my brand is clear, but I still get questions.
I’m constantly explaining what I do and why it matters.
I’m unsure if people even understand my brand.
A clear, compelling message that makes them want to work with me.
Some level of interest, but they still hesitate before buying.
Uncertainty about if I can really help them.
They don’t engage with my brand at all.
Absolutely—I’m the go-to expert in my field.
Sometimes, but people don't always recognize my value well.
I can't say for sure .
No, I struggle to get noticed because there is too much competition
Yes, I consistently attract high-quality leads.
I get some good leads, but also a lot of price shoppers.
Sometimes I attract people who love free stuff but don’t buy.
No, I struggle to bring in the right audience.
My website, social media, and what I say is all one .
Mostly consistent, but I could improve in some areas.
Inconsistent—I feel like I’ve evolved, but my brand hasn’t kept up.
Completely disconnected—nothing feels cohesive.
No, my brand is fresh and relevant.
It could use some updates, but it’s not urgent.
My brand feels outdated and doesn’t match who I am now.
My brand is completely misaligned with where I want to be.
They rave about my brand, consume my products and services, and consistently refer others to me.
They like my work, but I don't have many repeat customers or referrals
I don’t really hear much feedback good or bad.
Sometimes I get complaints, confusion, or hesitation butt not a lot of praise.
Yes, my clients see a clear transformation.
Somewhat, but I don’t highlight it enough.
Not really, I struggle to showcase the results I get my clients
No, I’m not sure how to position my brand transformation.
Make it clearer so my ideal clients instantly "get it."
Position myself as a premium, high-value expert.
Align my message with my evolving brand and business.
Completely refresh my brand identity and positioning.